Let us look at how many members are using the most popular platforms on internet in just a minute i.e., in the duration of 60 seconds.
- Emails
E-mail (Electronic Mail) this service can be used by any of the platforms such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook.... . OVER 18,80,00,000 mails are sent over the world for various purposes they may be personal or commercial.
- Google Search
Google largest search engine and the best advertising is answering 38,00,000 each minute i.e, 38,00,000 members across the world are searching for various issues.
- Snapchat
2,04,00,000 snaps are created in a social media platform Snapchat
- App Downloads
The gaint software platforms leading the Smartphone are ios and Android developed by Apple and Google respectively and the both have App Store and Google Play Store to download the apps and keep the updated. 390,030 apps are download by the users in just a minute every day.
- Facebook
1,00,000 users login to the first and most popular social media site Facebook everyminute.
- Youtube Views
Youtube used by the people various people across the world for both entertaining and money earning as well, gets an average of 4,05,00,000 views each minute.
- Instagram
347,222 posts are shared on Instagram in every 60 seconds.
- Whatsapp
41,06,00,000 messages are sent using WhatsApp and Facebook messenger.
- Dating platforms
14,00,000 users are active on various online dating sites
If you have any doubts in this article or if you need any further information regarding the smartphones, softwares, apps, solutions to problems facing on your mobile please let me know in comment section I will reply with in 24 hours.
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